Sunday, January 25, 2009

Happy half-b-day!

On Tuesday, Noah will be 6 months old. I cannot believe how fast he's grown!
12 lbs. (still so small, but 3 times his original weight)
24 inches
1 bottom tooth coming in
20 minutes of sitting up before he falls over, tired
7:30 pm Bed-time
6:45 am Wake-up time
12:00 am Midnight feeding
4:30 am Morning feeding
30 minitues of cooing time in the morning when he first wakes up
99% of the day that he's happy
3- # of foods he's tried (milk, rice cereal, & carrots)
50- # of songs Jared sang to him last night to help him fall asleep
9- # of states Noah's been to
1 million%- how much happier we are with him in our family
I love being his mommy!!!


adorable pearsons said...

he is getting so big! I can't believe it has been 6 months! What a cutie! We are so overdue for a chat!

Spencer T said...

I can't even believe how much he reminds me of Gorden when he was that age. Wow!

Kiki said...

he is so cute! happy half birthday! someday our little men will have a playdate. :)

Atkins Family said...

Courtney- I can't believe how small he is compaired to my chunk! When Eddie was born he was 23.5 inches long and I just had him weighed at 6 weeks and he was 13 lbs. Hazel was 11 lbs at 4 months. Noah is sooo cute! Isn't it so much fun having a baby in the house!

Amy said...

I can't believe how big Noah is getting--it's also hard to believe that he's gotten even cuter. I miss you guys, kiss Noah for me and wish him a happy half birthday.

Linford Family said...

He is so cute-that was fun to read about him!

Carrie "Pie" said...

Isn't it amazing how fast they grow. I never believed it until it happened to my own kids! Noah is one cute little fella!

Kelly said...

CUTE! CUTE! I love it when you post. (not just the pictures but I do like what you write about too!). =) We really miss you guys. My kids LOVE looking at your blog and never want to stop once we get started. They're pretty much infatuated with your awesome son. One day we'll live close again.... glad you're doing well!