Friday, September 24, 2010

Recovery and Thoughts

Some of you have been asking me how my recovery from the C-section has been going.  I thought it would be easy to give a quick update here.

The best way I've thought to describe it is two steps forward, one step back.  I've tried to go out a few times (anniversary date, Hobby Lobby, Mexican food, storytime).  I've loved getting out, but find myself in bed for 12 hours after each outing.  It's been hard for me to let everyone else do things for me (by everyone else, I guess I mostly mean my mom, who has been a complete lifesaver for me).  It's also hard for me to take so much medicine all the time- I do not like taking pills at all, but I seriously HAVE to or I can't really function.  I thought I would hate being in the house so much, but I'm actually kind of having fun.  My mom and I watch a movie everyday (we've visited Redbox, Blockbuster, my movie collection, AND the library!) and have had a lot of good chats.  I wish she lived here.  She flies back to Utah on Monday.  Not looking forward to that day.

Other Random Thoughts:
  • I am enjoying Suzy so much.  When Noah was born, I had little interest in being a new mom and had a really hard transition.  This time around, I know more what I am doing and am much more positive.
  • Noah is struggling big time with the change of having a new sister.  At the hospital, he wanted nothing to do with her.  He clung to a little wooden doll named Joey that my mom gave him (I'll post a picture of him with it).  Since we've been home, he's started whining a lot and imitating Suzy's cry to get attention.  He has also become uber attached to me.  He ALWAYS wants to be with me, which is flattering, but not normal.  He does not like me feeding Suzy at all.  At the same time, he goes overboard giving her kisses on the head and acting like he really likes her and fake laughing when she is around.  It makes me cry a lot to see him struggle so bad.  And to be honest, I miss just having Noah and our old routine a lot too.  I know it will get better in time, so for now, I'm just trying to give him as much attention as possible so he doesn't feel like he needs to act out for it.
  • I don't know how people can have babies (esp C-section babies) without having a ton of help.  I've also been thinking a lot about moms who give their babies up for adoption and have to deal with the pain of healing, but not have anything to show for it.
  • I don't know how I will manage/function without my mom here next week.  She has made every meal, cleaned my house, done laundry, helped with Suzy (including in the middle of the night- helping change diapers so I could feed her without having to get up), given Suzy and Noah baths, played with Noah, driven me around, gotten us way more groceries than we have ever even seen in our house at one time, etc.  I'm so thankful for her.
  • Nursing is going great this time around.  It was awful, to be honest, with Noah.  I never had my heart in it and always pumped so it never stopped hurting when I tried nursing him and I ran out of milk after 3 months.  It's only been a week and a half this time and it already stopped hurting!  And I have more than enough milk.  I have a much better attitude about it.
  • I am always starving.  Must be the breastfeeding.  But it's kind of nice to always be hungry when your mom is in town making delicious stuff all the time.
  • I think I'm starting to ramble.  Do I have any readers left?  Enjoy the pictures. :)

    Noah with his Joey doll, at the hospital
    Me on my anniversary excited to eat homemade enchiladas
    The star of the show:  Suzy Kaye!  This pic was taken this morning.
    The other star:  cute Noah!
    Mom, Jared & Suzy, and Noah hanging out before dinner

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Family of Four

It's been half a week since Suzy joined our little family.  I'm so happy- it's hard to express in words.  Everything is so much different from when Noah was born.  I am enjoying it so much more- it helps knowing what to expect more or less.  Although, I did think Suzy would be the same as Noah and I am finding that she is very different.  For instance, she LOVES being swaddled, taking her binky, and nursing- all of which Noah hated.  Noah is adjusting to having her around.  It was hard the first couple days- he didn't want anything to do with her...or really with me either- he was scared of my hospital bed and IV.  But yesterday, we caught him talking to her on the couch and showing her his toys.  He also randomly comes up to her and kisses her head.  I know they will eventually be best friends.

As for me, I am recovering better than I did last time.  It still takes me a while to move around and I have to take pain meds all the time, but each day is a little bit better.  Suzy is worth it.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Run, Jared, Run!

Jared has been running a lot lately. As if he's not busy enough doing work and school full time, he also wakes up early to run and just finished two 5Ks. Not only did he finish them, he won 3rd place for his age group, both times! Yay Jared! You're awesome. Look at him in his running glory! lol!

Can you spot him?

Here he is with his little mini-self pre-race.

Here is Noah, thinking HE won the race.

Ooh, look at that medal!

Daddy and Noah with a little pre-race fuel (Cheerios!) Notice Jared's shoes. Vibram Five Fingers. You heard of them? They are one of the closest (certainly the most popular) shoes to running barefoot that are out right now. Jared was the only person in the race wearing them.
He loves them.
If you are wondering why you would want to run barefoot, read "Born to Run" by Christopher Mcdougall. Or google it. It's controversial.
Go Jared! You're awesome!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Last Pregnancy Update

Ok, I am way behind on blogging. Maybe I'll try to catch up a little bit before baby gets here---in a week!!! HOORAY!!! Next Wednesday, she's making her appearance (scheduled C-section). I can't wait to meet her and esp for her to be real to Noah. We are always talking about Baby Suzy and I know he has no clue what we are really talking about. I also can't WAIT to not be pregnant. I mean look at me in these pictures. How in the world could I be comfortable with that tummy?
I'm 37.5 weeks along in these next 2 pics. Today I am 38 weeks.

This last picture was from a few weeks ago, but I like that Noah jumped into it. So, I would be almost 35 weeks along here.

To end with my pregnancy updates, I keep thinking of the quote "All's well that ends well." This was a crazy pregnancy with lots of ups and downs (placenta previa, too much amniotic fluid, migraines, IUGR scare, bad insomnia, heart problems, etc) but in the end, every single thing has resolved itself completely. Baby looks healthy, I am healthy, and now we are just waiting for the next week to go by quickly so we can be with our little princess.